Monday, December 19, 2011

The Spectra Shield Police Bullet Proof Vest

There are different types of materials used in making a police bulletproof vest. The first materials to be used in body armors are skin animals, followed by metal plates. However, these materials are very heavy, thus making the wearer uncomfortable. The first synthetic fiber was then discovered, the Kevlar. The Kevlar fiber became the foundation of ballistic vests. After some time, more and more synthetic fibers for police bullet proof vest are discovered, and one of them is the Spectra Shield.

The Spectra Shield police bullet proof vest was first made by AlliedSignal. Because of its strength and lightweight, this material has been used in the construction of military personnel and law enforcer’s bullet proof vest and other ballistic materials. The innovation of the Spectra Shield police bullet proof vest did not stop. Throughout the years, other Spectra Shield II product lines are released.
These are the improved product lines of the Spectra Shield police bullet proof vest:

  • ·         SR-3124- The SR-3224 hard armor police bullet proof vest uses the high-strength fiber Spectra 3000 in its construction. Because of the strength of this fiber, this ballistic vest offers a high-level protection. Aside from being used in bullet proof vests, Spectra 3000 fiber is also used in breast plates and vehicle applications.
  • ·         SA-3118 and SA-3113- The SA-3118 and SA-3113 are used for soft armor police bullet proof vest. These materials are known to be the best in police and military bullet proof vest applications. These two product lines offer different qualities but they can be combined to provide the best comfort. The SA-3113 is known for its flexibility and comfort while the SA-3118 is known for its ballistic performance. Thus, when these two are used together in a police bullet proof vest, a high level of performance is attained.
  • ·         SA-1211- The SA-1211 is commonly used in the most demanding police bullet proof vest. This material used for police bullet proof vest offers comfort and flexibility to the wearer, while offering excellent ballistic performance.

Things to Be Improved for a Police Bullet Proof Vest

Is there still a room for improvement for the police bullet proofvest that is available today? Yes, there is. The bullet proof vests today, although they are satisfying, are not yet perfect. They still need to be improved so that they can be comfortable and flexible for the user. So, in what areas are they supposed to be improved?

The first thing that must be improved for the police bullet proof vest is the weight. The soft body armors are indeed lightweight, however, for the hard body armors; they still need to be improved for them to become lighter. The weight factor is very crucial for the hard-body armors. The hard armor police bullet proof vest is used for highly dangerous operations. It can indeed protect the wearer from high-powered rifle and gun shots, but it limits the movement of the user. For example, in terms of speed given a specific time frame, instead of running quickly to the farthest post, the police officer wearing the heavy bullet proof vest may be able to run only to the middle post given that time frame.

The police bullet proof vest must be improved as well to make the user more comfortable during warm weathers. Because the ballistic vest is a little bit thick, it can add heat to the wearer’s body during a warm condition. Too much heat can make the wearer uncomfortable and if the wearer can no longer bear it, he or she might remove the police bullet proof vest, thus, putting his or her life in danger.

With regards to the protection level, the police bullet proof vest today seems to be okay. There are bullet proof vests that are available for small firearms and guns, while there are police bullet proof vest that offers protection as well from high-powered guns such as the rifles and others.

Police Bullet Proof Vest- The Soft and the Hard Armor

A police bullet proof vest is available in two forms: the soft bullet proof vest or the hard bullet proof vest. These two classifications are used according to the situation.

Soft Bullet Proof Vest

The soft police bullet proof vest is ideally designed to be worn everyday by individuals who are at risk of being attacked. This vest is also designed to be lightweight and comfortable so that the user can still do his or her normal schedules despite the threats on his or her life. It is also highly concealable, thus, it can be worn as an underneath clothing. As per the order of the National Institute of Justice, the soft police bullet proof vest is available from ratings Level I to Level III-A. The Level III-A is the highest rating available for the soft body armor and it can stop round bullets like the .22LR, .32ACP, .40, 12 Ga. 00/Buck/12 Ga. Slug, 9mm FMJ RN, .25 ACP,.38ACP, .45, and .44 Magnum SJHP.

Hard Bullet Proof Vest

The hard police bullet proof vest offers the highest protection level among the body armors. It can protect the user from a wide range of firearms. If the soft body armor is effective for stopping bullets from low-powered hand guns, the hard body armor, on the other hand, is most effective for stopping bullets from armor-piercing rounds and high-powered rifles and other firearms. The hard police bullet proof vest is usually available on the ratings of Level III and Level IV.

The hard police bullet proof vest is commonly made up of ceramic, metal and dyneema. The metal is the most commonly used before, but now, things are changing. The ceramic and the dyneema are already more popular today in hard armor police bullet proof vest because they are lighter, and offers the same protection and security level as the metal. 

How to Check the Authenticity of a Police Bullet Proof Vest

Before buying a police bullet proof vest, you have to make sure that it is authentic first. Your life depends on it, and you do not want to spend on a ballistic vest that cannot protect you from bullet shots and knife stabs. To check the authenticity of a bullet proof vest, you have to pay attention to its label. The label must contain the following information:

·         Size and Lot number- The size tells you if the police bullet proof vest is small, medium, large, and extra large. You should know your size before buying one so that the police bullet proof vest will fit your perfectly. The lot number should be written as well on the label of the ballistic vest.
·         Model and Manufacturer- The label of the police bullet proof vest should tell you also of the model of the vest. Is it Kevlar, Goldflex or Dyneema? Along with the model comes the name of the manufacturer of the bullet proof vest.
·         Rating- The rating of the police bullet proof vest should be included on the label as well. It will tell you if the vest is a Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type IV. If the vest that you are buying is between the ratings Type I and Type III, it should include additional information of disclaimer that it cannot protect the wearer from very sharp weapons and rifle bullet fires. If this disclaimer warning is not present, you should return the police bullet proof vest from the store where you bought it.
·         Issue Date and Serial Number- The date of issuance and the serial number of the bullet proof vest should be indicated as well on the label.

If any of these information are not included in the label of the police bullet proof vest, you should return it immediately from where you buy it. The authenticity of the police bullet proof vest is important for your safety and protection.

Police Bullet Proof Vest- The Basic Things that You Must Know

Some individuals are not really familiar with the police bulletproof vest. Of course, as they watch it from the movies and TV programs, they already know that it is used for protecting one’s self. But, when it comes to its construction and other things, they do not know that much. To help them get to know the police bullet proof vest, here are the basic information about this ballistic vest.

Materials for Construction

A police bullet proof vest is made up of strong and flexible synthetic fibers. The most commonly used materials are the Spectra and the Kevlar. However, more and more fibers are discovered throughout the years. Other fibers that are used include Dyneema, and Goldflex. A police bullet proof vest is composed of several layers of these fibers in order to produce a strong and flexible bullet proof vest.

Ratings and Classifications

Not all bullet proof vests are the same. They are classified by the National Institute of Justice according to the protection level that they provide for the user. The common ratings or classifications for a police bullet proof vest are Type I, Type II, Type II-A, Type III, Type IIIA, and Type IV. The higher the rating is, the higher the protection that the police bullet proof vest can provide. But also, the higher the rating is, the heavier the ballistic vest.

Testing and Quality Control

After the police bullet proof vest is designed and created by the manufacturer, they are required to pass it to the National Institute of Justice for checking and quality control. The NIJ makes sure that the bullet proof vest meets their standard for safety and protection. If the ballistic vest did not pass the standard of the NIJ, the NIJ requires the manufacturer to redo it again until the desired requirements are met. A police bullet proof vest that is approved by the NIJ has a mark on its inner side.

Police Bullet Proof Vest- Where to Buy One

The sale of police bullet proof vest is not as strict as before. Several years ago, the sale of bullet proof vests is not open to civilians. Nowadays, they are open due to the demand of high security. Selling of bullet proof vests does not also require several processing from the government. One does not need to acquire a license in order to sell police bullet proof vest. This is different for gun sellers because they need to get a license to sell before they can legally do the business. So, where can a police officer buy a bullet proof vest?

Manufacturer- Police officers are normally issued a police bullet proof vest by their department. However, if you want an extra one, you can directly contact the manufacturer that is supplying your department. Ask for a similar design and model, or if you want a high-level security, you can buy the higher class of bullet proof vest. For example, if what you normally use is the Type IIIA, you can order a Type IV from them. Make sure to check if the police bullet proof vest is light and comfortable.

Internet- You can also buy a police bullet proof vest from online shops. There are already hundreds of online shopping centers that are selling bullet proof vests. But, you have to make sure that the online shop that you are ordering from offers good quality ballistic vests. Check the quality of service that the online shop offers before ordering from them. You have to check as well if your state allows you to purchase a police bullet proof vest online because there are some states that prohibits the selling of ballistic vests online.

Offline Shops- Another reliable place where can a police officer buy a police bullet proof vest is the offline shop. Look around your area and you might spot a store that specializes in military and police equipments including police bullet proof vest.

Getting to Know the Executive Police Bullet Proof Vest

The ordinary police bullet proof vest provides sufficient protection to the police officer. However, it cannot protect the officer’s life from high-powered guns. The manufacturers of the bullet proof vest designed a strong and flexible ballistic vest that can stop bullets from high-powered guns. These improved and stronger police bullet proof vest are known as the executive bullet proof vests.

The executive police bullet proof vest is designed to be stronger and more flexible than the ordinary body armors. Aside from that, this type of body armor is designed to be more stylish or fashionable. It is highly concealable that one can barely notice it whether you are wearing one or not. It is made more comfortable and lighter as well, so that a police officer can wear it at the office if the situation requires it. The police officer can wear this and then just cover it with his or her uniform, and everything is unnoticeable.

The greatest advantage that the executive police bullet proof vest has is its protection level. An ordinary armor provides protection only for your front and upper body. The executive bullet proof vest, on the other hand, has an added protection: the side protection. Thus, it can protect the user’s front, back, and side. Also, an anti-stab panel is added to stop knives and other sharp materials from hurting the wearer’s body. Moreover, the executive ballistic vest is equipped with a removable exterior shell. This shell can be installed as an additional layer to the bullet proof vest. If the user wants to be more secured, he or she can add the exterior shell. This exterior shell can be removed so that the wearer can wash and clean it if needed. The user can also buy another exterior shell so that while the other shell is being washed, he can attach the other exterior shell to the police bullet proof vest for added protection.